Inshirah Shakil
3 min readDec 26, 2020

The problem that many children face in the initial phase of their lives is a lack of quality education due to the fault of being under the category of underprivileged. This lacking cost them their whole lives, which first start as a lack of awareness of their potential, of their capabilities.

It is already proven that if young minds are nurtured with attention, appreciation, and feedback the progress shown is unbeatable. This is what majorly lacks in the government schooling environment. Whereas the child is of primary focus in a private institution.

A student being of prime importance in a private school is mostly because of the monetary expense that their parents bear, this is where govt. schools have a lack of motivation to give an equal amount of attention at a primary school. Many teachers at government schools ghost out and do not fulfill their duties, this being a dishonest behavior n their end also creates a major impact on the mindset of young beautiful minds.

The exposure that privileged students get is nowhere near to the learnings acquired by the students studying in government schools. Now that we have had deeper insights into the difference between the quality of education being delivered by both the schooling system, the following is a picture that clearly depicts the scenarios in both settings.

Clear difference between education experience

So the project education for all is a literal bridge between two end, making two ends meet together to share and learn, as we have always been taught that sharing is caring in this project the aim is to build a network where children from each schooling system will be paired. This way they will share resources, get a better learning experience, will learn compassion and empathy this networking will give a greater edge to the government school students but also will bring a great acceptance from the private school students, they will learn gratitude and will be mindful of the privileges they have, this on a wider picture will help bring stability in the education system, where sharing resources will develop a community and the class system that has been highly prominent in our Country will also to an extent diminish.

The initial thoughts on implementing this idea is to get an area and connect two schools with each other, this way each child will be gaining better insights to a topic when they are teaching this to their paired partner, this will ensure leadership and confidence in the private school student and through spending time and gaining insights from the same age group fellow the govt. school children along with education will get insights on other topics that they are unaware of will be ahead in technology as well.

This, for now, is an outline of the idea that I mean to implement and this reflection session has lead me to believe in this idea, to take this idea to a pilot project, So as to travel the potential through the potential of sharing.



Inshirah Shakil

just writing the random musings my brain wanders throughout the day